Inherent mirth and dignity


Unitarian Universalist humour products!

Closed for the month of May 2024. See you in June!

Physical items aren’t available in May and will return in June. In the meantime, you may still download our free items, and become a Saint.


100% of our Shop profits go to our friends at Flaming Chalice International (FCI).

To learn about our relationship with FCI, see the Flaming Chalice section of this website.

Become a Saint

Become a Saint

from $5.00 every month

Mirth & Dignity believes in the viral power of joy, that community comes in all shapes and sizes, and that Unitarian Universalism can too.  Do you?

Mirth & Dignity Saints are the people who believe in what we’re doing, and want to support it with a monthly pledge.

Mirth & Dignity

And what will you get for your monthly support?

  • You’ll be subscribed (if you want) to monthly Saints, “in the know” emails, keeping you updated on all the exciting things we are doing (because it goes WAY beyond the UUHS Facebook group).

  • You’ll have access to a Saints Facebook group, events, and gifts.

  • You’ll be part of a community and we’ll turn to you for advice and celebration.

  • We will put a good word in for you, with regards to the afterlife. Note: There is a small chance that our recommendation may be more of a liability than an asset.

  • You will be casting a vote for humour and joy and community of all shapes and sizes being a valued part of UUism.

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