Inherent mirth and dignity

Behind the Scenes

Warning: Sincere and unfunny content.

You need this.

You know how we have put all this work into building supports for traditional congregations and religious professionals, to make their job easier?

What if we had that same support for outside-the-box Ministries?  What if those of us doing experimental work didn’t have to figure every step out from scratch?  What if there was an organization devoted to supporting the innovators who are building the bridge to the future of Unitarian Universalism?

There is.  That is literally the mission statement of the UU Religious Innovators Network.    They’ve got training videos, a community, and countless interviews with people who have built successful Ministries. When I get stuck, and need someone to talk things through with, they’re who I turn to.

Seriously.  If you have not perused their website, stop wasting your time on this blog and go there right away.

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